JTSageDateBox A multi-mode date and time picker

Option Demos - FLIPBOX

This is a large set of the options available for the calbox method. No i18n options are presented.

Selected date must be after today
Selected date must be before today
Dates to be considered invalid
Sample: ["2001-01-01", "2000-12-31", "2000-12-25", "2000-12-24"]
Recurring dates to be considered invalid
Sample: [ [-1,0,1], [-1,11,31], [-1,11,25], [-1,11,24] ]
Days of the week to be considered invalid
Sample: [ 0, 6 ]
Disabled Class
Stepper for duration mode (single)
Exclusive list of valid dates
Sample: [ "2000-12-31", "2000-12-25", "2000-12-24" ]
Use "natural" sort for flipbox
Sample: [ "default" | true | false ]
Minimum date (HTML min attribute)
Maximum date (HTML max attribute)
Min number of days past today
Max number of days past today
Min Year
Max Year
Invalidate today's date
Clear Button Theme
Close Button Theme
Cancel Button Theme
Tomorrow Button Theme
Today Button Theme
Dropdown container class
Header Theme
Header (Close) Button Theme
Selected Date theme
Default Date theme
Invalid Date theme
Roller view height
Show a button to cancel the Input control
Show a button to clear the Input
Single line of control buttons
Use a toolbar header for the control
The current active langauge / locale
Sample: en-US
Show button to set the date
Show button to jump to today
Show button to jump to tomorrow
Limit times to only these hours
Sample: [ 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ]
Dates to always consider valid
Sample: ["2001-01-01", "2000-12-31", "2000-12-25", "2000-12-24"]
JTSage DateBox Documentation v.5.3.3