Source: lib/dateLimit.js

 * JTSage-DateBox
 * @fileOverview Handle date limits
 * @author J.T.Sage <>
 * @author {@link|GitHub Contributors}
 * @license {@link|MIT}
 * @version 5.2.0

 * Fix minutes of the date based on minuteStep option.
 * Round according to minStepRound
JTSageDateBox._minStepFix = function() {
	// Round "extra" minutes when using a stepper.
	var newMinute      = this.theDate.get(4),
		mstep          = this.options.minuteStep,
		roundDirection = this.options.minStepRound,
		remainder      = newMinute % mstep;

	if ( mstep > 1 && remainder > 0 ) {
		if ( roundDirection < 0 ) {
			newMinute = newMinute - remainder;
		} else if ( roundDirection > 0 ) {
			newMinute = newMinute + ( mstep - remainder );
		} else {
			if ( newMinute % mstep < mstep / 2 ) {
				newMinute = newMinute - remainder;
			} else {
				newMinute = newMinute + ( mstep - remainder );

 * Contains functions to check the date
 * All functions expect a date object, and return a boolean for qualification
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {function} enableDate Date exists in enableDates option
 * @property {function} whiteDate Date exists in whiteDates option
 * @property {function} notToday Date is today
 * @property {function} maxYear Date is beyond maxYear
 * @property {function} minYear Date is prior to minYear
 * @property {function} afterToday Date is after today
 * @property {function} beforeToday Date is before today
 * @property {function} minDays Date is before minimum
 * @property {function} maxDays Date is after maximum
 * @property {function} minHour Time is before minimum
 * @property {function} maxHour Time is after maximum
 * @property {function} minTime Time is before minimum
 * @property {function} maxTime Time is after maximum
 * @property {function} validHours Hour is in validHours option
 * @property {function} blackDays Day is in blackDays option
 * @property {function} blackDates Date is in blackDates
 * @property {function} blackDatesRec Date is in blackDatesRec
 * @property {function} blackDatesPeriod Date is in blackDatesPeriod
JTSageDateBox._newDateCheck = {
	/* NOTE: These return true if the test passes.  i.e., dobule negatives galore. */
	enableDate : function ( testDate ) {
		/* Return true if the date is whitelisted */
		return ( this.options.enableDates.indexOf( testDate.iso ) > -1 );
	whiteDate : function ( testDate ) {
		/* Return true if the date is whitelisted */
		if ( this.options.whiteDates === false ) { return false; }

		return ( this.options.whiteDates.indexOf( testDate.iso ) > -1 );
	notToday : function ( testDate ) {
		/* Return true if the date *is* today */
		if ( this.options.notToday === false ) { return false; }

		return ( this.realToday.comp() === testDate.comp() );
	maxYear : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date is beyond the max year */
		var testOption = this.options.maxYear;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		return  ( testDate.get(0) > testOption );
	minYear : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date is beyond the max year */
		var testOption = this.options.minYear;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		return ( testDate.get(0) < testOption );
	minDate : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date is before the minimum */
		var testOption = this.options.minDate;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		testOption = this.parseISO( testOption );

		return ( testDate < testOption );
	maxDate : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date is after the minimum */
		var testOption = this.options.maxDate;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		testOption = this.parseISO( testOption );

		return ( testOption < testDate );
	afterToday : function ( testDate ) {
		/* Return true if the date is BEFORE today's date (dates AFTER are allowed) */
		var testOption = this.options.afterToday;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		return ( testDate < this.realToday );
	beforeToday : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date is AFTER today's date (dates BEFORE are allowed) */
		var testOption = this.options.beforeToday;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		return ( testDate > this.realToday );
	minmaxDays : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date is invalid (too many days before today) */
		var testOption1 = this.options.minDays,
			testOption2 = this.options.maxDays,
			validMin, validMax;

		if ( testOption1 === false && testOption2 === false ) {
			return false;

		validMin = ( testOption1 === false ) ?
			true :
			( this.realToday.getEpochDays() - ( testOption1 + 1 ) < testDate.getEpochDays() );

		validMax = ( testOption2 === false ) ?
			true :
			( this.realToday.getEpochDays() + ( testOption2 + 1 ) > testDate.getEpochDays() );

		return ! ( validMin && validMax );
	minHour : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the time is invalid (hour before allowed) */
		var testOption = this.options.minHour;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		return ( testDate.get(3) < testOption );
	maxHour : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the time is invalid (hour after allowed) */
		var testOption = this.options.maxHour;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		return ( testDate.get(3) > testOption );
	minTime : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the time is before the minimum allowed */
		var testOption = this.options.minTime,
			splitOption = null,
			testHour = testDate.get(3);

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		splitOption = this.options.minTime.split(":", 2);

		// Hour is before allowed, fail
		if ( testHour < splitOption[0] ) { return true; }
		// Hour is after allowed, pass
		if ( testHour > splitOption[0] ) { return false; }
		// Hour is the same, check minutes
		return ( testDate.get(4) < splitOption[1] );
	maxTime : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the time is after the maximum allowed */
		var testOption = this.options.maxTime,
			splitOption = null,
			testHour = testDate.get(3);

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		splitOption = this.options.maxTime.split(":", 2);
		// Hour is before allowed, pass
		if ( testHour < splitOption[0] ) { return false; }
		// Hour is after allowed, fail
		if ( testHour > splitOption[0] ) { return true; }
		// Hour is the same, check minutes
		return ( testDate.get(4) > splitOption[1] );
	validHours : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the hour *IS VALID* */
		return ( this.options.validHours.indexOf( testDate.get(3) ) > -1 );
	blackDays : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date matched blacked out days of the week */
		var testOption = this.options.blackDays;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		return ( testOption.indexOf( testDate.getDay() ) > -1 );
	blackDates : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date is blacklisted */
		var testOption = this.options.blackDates;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		return ( testOption.indexOf( testDate.iso() ) > -1 );
	blackDatesRec : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date is blacklisted in the recurring dates */
		var i, testOption = this.options.blackDatesRec;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		for ( i = 0; i < testOption.length; i++ ) {
			if (
				( testOption[i][0] === -1 || testOption[i][0] === testDate.get(0) ) &&
				( testOption[i][1] === -1 || testOption[i][1] === testDate.get(1) ) &&
				( testOption[i][2] === -1 || testOption[i][2] === testDate.get(2) )
			) { return true ;}
		return false;
	blackDatesPeriod : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date is blacklisted in the period */
		var i, j, k, testOption = this.options.blackDatesPeriod;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		i = testOption[0].split("-");
		j = new Date(i[0], i[1]-1, i[2], 12, 1, 1, 1);
		k = Math.round(
			( testDate.getTime() - j.getTime() ) / ( 1000 * 3600 * 24 )

		if ( ( k % testOption[1] ) === 0 ) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

 * @typedef {object} _newDateChecker_Return
 * @property {boolean} good Date is good
 * @property {boolean} bad Date is bad
 * @property {string|boolean} failrule Rule the date failed, or false
 * @property {string|boolean} passrule Rule the date passed, or false
 * @property {object} dateObj Date object

 * Check if the date is valid.
 * Note both failrule and passrule can be false if the date is valid but not
 * explicitly valid.
 * @param  {object}
 * @return {_newDateChecker_Return}
JTSageDateBox._newDateChecker = function( testDate ) {
	var w = this,
		itt, done = false,
		returnObject = {
			good     : true,
			bad      : false,
			failrule : false,
			passrule : false,
			dateObj  : testDate.copy()
		badChecks = [
			"blackDays", "blackDates", "blackDatesRec", "blackDatesPeriod",
			"notToday", "maxYear", "minYear", "afterToday", "beforeToday",
			"maxDate", "minDate", "minmaxDays",
			"minHour", "maxHour", "minTime", "maxTime"

	w.realToday = new w._date();

	// If "enableDates" is in use, no other checks are performed
	if ( this.options.enableDates !== false ) {
		if ( w, testDate ) ) {
			returnObject.passrule = "enableDates";
		} else {
			returnObject.bad      = true;
			returnObject.good     = false;
			returnObject.failrule = "enableDates";
		return returnObject;

	// If "validHours" is in use, no other checks are performed
	if ( this.options.validHours !==  false ) {
		if ( w, testDate ) ) {
			returnObject.passrule = "validHours";
		} else {
			returnObject.bad      = true;
			returnObject.good     = false;
			returnObject.failrule = "validHours";
		return returnObject;

	// If a date is "whiteDates", no other checks are performed
	if ( w, testDate ) ) {
		returnObject.passrule = "whiteDates";
		return returnObject;

	for ( itt = 0; itt < badChecks.length && !done; itt++ ) {
		if ( w._newDateCheck[ badChecks[ itt ] ].call( w, testDate ) ) {
			returnObject.bad      = true;
			returnObject.good     = false;
			returnObject.failrule = badChecks[ itt ];
			done = true;

	return returnObject;

 * @member {number} lastDuration Last entered duration in seconds
 * @memberOf JTSageDateBox

 * @member {array} lastDurationA Last entered duration, [ days, hours, minutes, seconds ]
 * @memberOf JTSageDateBox

 * Clean up the duration amount.
 * Checks for negatives, and applies minDur/maxDur if set
 * Returns nothing but sets {@link JTSageDateBox.lastDuration} and 
 * {@link JTSageDateBox.lastDurationA}
JTSageDateBox._getCleanDur = function() {
	var w            = this,
		o            = this.options,
		thisDuration = w.theDate.getEpoch() - w.initDate.getEpoch();

	// Check for less than zero. (and fix it)
	if ( thisDuration < 0 ) {
		thisDuration = 0;
		w.theDate = w.initDate.copy();

	if ( o.minDur !== false && thisDuration < o.minDur ) {
		w.theDate = new w._date( w.initDate.getTime() + ( o.minDur * 1000 ) );
		thisDuration = o.minDur;
	if ( o.maxDur !== false && thisDuration > o.maxDur ) {
		w.theDate = new w._date( w.initDate.getTime() + ( o.maxDur * 1000 ) );
		thisDuration = o.maxDur;

	w.lastDuration  = thisDuration;
	w.lastDurationA = w._dur( thisDuration * 1000 );

	return [ thisDuration, w._dur( thisDuration * 1000 ) ];

 * @member {boolean} dateOK The selected date is valid
 * @memberOf JTSageDateBox

 * Check if the date is good - older method.
 * Also sets {@link JTSageDateBox.dateOK}
 * @return {boolean} Date is good
JTSageDateBox._check = function() {
	// Check to see if a date is valid. (Old way, left as a shim)
	var checkObj = this._newDateChecker( this.theDate );

	this.dateOK = ( checkObj.good === true );

	return checkObj.good;

 * This makes durationStep apply to the least precise duration
 * field.  Stepping an earlier field has rather unexpected results.
 * @param  {array} order Field display order
JTSageDateBox._fixstepper = function( order ) {
	// Turn back off steppers when displaying a less precise 
	// unit in the same control.
	var step   = this.options.durationSteppers,
		actual = this.options.durationStep;

	if ( order.indexOf( "d" ) > -1 ) {
		step.d = actual;
	if ( order.indexOf( "h" ) > -1 ) {
		step.d = 1;
		step.h = actual;
	if ( order.indexOf( "i" ) > -1 ) {
		step.h = 1;
		step.i = actual;
	if ( order.indexOf( "s" ) > -1 ) {
		step.i = 1;
		step.s = actual;

 * Contains functions to choose the appropriate theme.
 * All functions expect a date object, and return a boolean for qualification
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {function} selected Date is currently selected
 * @property {function} today Date is today
 * @property {function} highDates Date is in the highDates array
 * @property {function} highDatesAlt Date is in the highDatesAlt array
 * @property {function} highDatesRec Date is referenced in the highDatesRec option
 * @property {function} highDatesPeriod Date is referenced in the highDatesPeriod option
 * @property {function} highDays Day is in the highDays array
JTSageDateBox._ThemeDateCK = {
	selected : function ( testDate ) {
		if ( this.options.slideHighPick === false ) { return false; }

		if ( typeof this.originalDate === "undefined" ) { return false; }
		return ( this.originalDate.iso() === testDate.iso() );
	today : function ( testDate ) {
		if ( this.options.slideHighToday === false ) { return false; }
		return ( this.realToday.iso() === testDate.iso() );
	highDates : function ( testDate ) {
		/* Return true if found */
		var testOption = this.options.highDates;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		return ( testOption.indexOf( testDate.iso() ) > -1 );
	highDatesAlt : function ( testDate ) {
		/* Return true if found */
		var testOption = this.options.highDatesAlt;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		return ( testOption.indexOf( testDate.iso() ) > -1 );
	highDatesRec : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date is listed in the recurring dates */
		var i, testOption = this.options.highDatesRec;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		for ( i = 0; i < testOption.length; i++ ) {
			if (
				( testOption[i][0] === -1 || testOption[i][0] === testDate.get( 0 ) ) &&
				( testOption[i][1] === -1 || testOption[i][1] === testDate.get( 1 ) ) &&
				( testOption[i][2] === -1 || testOption[i][2] === testDate.get( 2 ) )
			) { return true ;}
		return false;
	highDatesPeriod : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date is in the period */
		var i, j, k, testOption = this.options.highDatesPeriod;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		i = testOption[0].split("-");
		j = new Date(i[0], i[1]-1, i[2], 12, 1, 1, 1);
		k = Math.round(
			( testDate.getTime() - j.getTime() ) / ( 1000 * 3600 * 24 )

		if ( ( k % testOption[1] ) === 0 ) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	highDays : function ( testDate ) {
		/* return true if the date matched blacked out days of the week */
		var testOption = this.options.highDays;

		if ( testOption === false ) { return false; }

		return ( testOption.indexOf( testDate.getDay() ) > -1 );